Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Personal Language in a Group Context

If I had to select a group that I affiliated with and shared a special language with I would have to say that group would be kitchen workers. I have been involved with kitchens my whole life, my parents owned one when I was a child and I worked in them since I was a child. The dialect used in kitchens is often crass and vulger. The language is filled with sexual references and is basically constructed that way to enforce the attitude or confidence of the cooks.

Some of the more innocent terms can include things like:
Temp - Temperature
flat-top - Griddle
Boat motor - Food processor
Newbie - Rookie on the line
Bubble-gummer - Someone who cannot "hang" on the line

Some of the less innocent phrases use derogatory phrases in order to influence or propmt the cooks to work harder or longer. I will not mention some of the less-innocent versions of the words. I am sure that you can guess on your own.

I have thought about the language used in kitchens for a long while now. I have often noticed that cooks will get away with saying things that would normally not be accepted in society. The reason for this I find is that cooks have such stressfull and difficult jobs that they need a release from the everyday work that they do. These jokes and phrases are used to lighten the tension that inevitably builds while working in close quarters in over 100 degree heat.

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